Eui Eu


FBF Bank Board Academy for Non-Executive Directors


'I have two somewhat conflicting expectations – the first being that the next two years in Florence will be the most challenging years of my life so far, and the second being that studying at the EUI will, at the same time, be the happiest and most fulfilling time of my life.'


The Florence School of Banking and Finance connects policymakers, private sector representatives and academics active in the banking and finance sector, with the aim of fostering the development of professional skills and debating the most pressing issues in the sector through training and policy debate activities.

The FBF Bank Board Academy represents a unique opportunity to gain further knowledge and practical skills, better understand duties and responsibilities as Non-Executive Directors, and develop critical thinking in an open and policy-led environment.


  • The concept Race in literature represents the subject, aboutness, idea or notion of resources found in European University Institute.
  • Staffing update (July and August 2020) Join us in wishing a big welcome to all the new arrivals who have joined the EUI in July and August 2020, and a fond farewell to all those leaving.

The FBF Bank Board Academy for Non-Executive Directors features an international faculty of regulators, supervisors, and academics together with bank and finance professionals.

The FBF Bank Board Academy is composed of two pillars.

Online Seminar Series
Challenges for Bank Board Members
Starting on 3 December – Open to all upon registration
Click here for more information

Training Programme
Sitting on Boards: Better Check and Control of Risks
4 June – 2 July 2021 – Online training, fees apply
Click here for more information

Training Programme
Sitting on Boards: Better Quality and Better Governance
1 – 3 October 2021 – Residential training*, fees apply
Click here for more information


* Subject to changes, depending on the circumstances.